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Outfit: Peacoat Weather

Monday, December 15, 2014

We are officially halfway through December and that means finals starting (I have two today), only four more days in Madrid, and on Friday I will be at home in my own bed. It's crazy how fast these last few weeks have gone. I feel like the time just slipped away from me as the holidays arrived and school work got harder. 

At the same time, the weather in Madrid is actually getting colder (like the kind of cold that requires a real coat) and since all I brought with me was a leather jacket I found myself out shopping for a new peacoat. I ended up bringing this slightly oversized option home and have been obsessed with it ever since. I wanted something different than my classic black coat I left at home, but still in the black family, so this white and black woven option really was perfect. Last Thursday I paired the coat with a dressier holiday look, but as soon as I get home (and the weather is actually cold) I'll be wearing this coat with my over the knee boots and chunky sweaters all.the.time. 

Now, since I've been procrastinating studying more for far too long I must return to my finance notes. Good luck to everyone finishing up their finals this week! Remember, only 10 more days until Christmas!

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