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Happy Friday!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Happy Friday everyone! As much as I'm ready for this weekend, the end of the week also means I'm one week closer to finals and the end of school. I would love a two or three week vacation right now to go home see my family and friends and recuperate, but a whole summer away from the city is pretty daunting at the moment. 

So of course, even with finals coming up soon I'm trying to make the most of my last couple weeks at school. Tomorrow my friends and I are going to NYC's Holi Hai festival and to NYU's Relay for Life. Luckily, Sunday will be a little bit calmer and along with lots of studying I'll be going to the Union Sq Green Market, one of my favorite parts of spring and fall in the city!

And now a few things I'm loving this week...

All nine seasons of Grey's Anatomy on Netflix. It's unhealthy how much I've watched in such a short period of time after my sister got me addicted last week. Don't worry I'm not on season nine yet. 

WWW's how to on editing your closet down to the best pieces. I need this desperately right now!

In my attempt to get organized for study abroad this website has been incredibly helpful. Also, great for long vacations. 

Pictures of people's feet that you actually want to see. My favorite is slide 38. 

This photoshoot Molly (from A Piece of Toast) had with her adorable puppy. I can't wait to go home and see mine!

Hope you all have a great weekend!

1 comment

  1. What a great collection of links Caroline! I feel you about the stress of the last week of school and upcoming of finals, I cant begin that the my spring semester is almost over, it flew by! Oh my goodness Greys Anatomy is one of the absolute best, especially the early season. It is crazy how addicting nextflix can get when it just flows from one episode to another! You are going abroad next year, that will be so great, where are you headed?


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