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A Skort Story

Monday, June 5, 2017

If you flashback a decade or so you'll find eight year old Caroline who was the biggest girly girl. I actually made fashion magazines out of construction paper and refused to wear anything but the dresses and skirts in my school uniform. However, my mom who was significantly more realistic than I was figured out that I would compromise and wear the skorts she brought home for me. 

Now eight year old me loved having skorts so that I could climb trees and play on the playground while also looking like a total girly girl, and after finding this skort (under $50!) I realized that nothing has changed.I may not be climbing trees anytime soon, but in NYC a skort is the perfect way to stop the wind from blowing your skirt up or to ensure you're ready for an impromptu park picnic.

Now that I've (once again) fallen in love with the ease that skorts add to life I've been on the hunt for even more to add to my closet. I've linked some of my favorites below!

Forever 21 Sweater (similar) // Mango Skort // Franco Sarto Mules (similar) // Clare V Bag (similar)

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