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{Zara coat, Forever 21 blouse, unknown scarf, Old Navy coated jeans, Express boots}

Somehow suddenly in the last two days it has started to feel like winter in New York. As I've been reading blogs by people living in LA and other warm cities I've been dying as they write about how it finally feels like fall, especially since I just had to pull out my winter coat. When I left for class yesterday morning it was 35 degrees outside! My roommate from California almost cried it was so cold. 

Granted, all that being said I couldn't have been happier finally getting a chance to pull out my winter coat. After I got this coat from Zara almost a month ago I've been dying for the day I could wear it. I honestly never thought I'd fall in love with a winter coat, but I have and it makes chilly mornings much more bearable. 

~ Caroline 


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