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Shop: Colored Leather Jackets

Monday, November 4, 2013

My leather obsession has gone a little farther recently as I've been on the hunt for a colored leather jacket. So far I think my favorite color options are burgundy and olive since they go well with most of my wardrobe and add a fun pop of color. 

Out of these three jackets the olive jacket from Lucca is definitely my favorite, but it does have a pretty hefty price tag that has deterred me from buying it. At the same time I've surprisingly found an option I love, the burgundy jacket, at Forever 21 for a much cheaper price. I know that jackets are good pieces to invest in, but what do you guys think? Should I save up for the more expensive option or try out a cheaper version first?

Also, I hope you all had a great Halloween Weekend! As I said on Thursday I was a flapper (you can see a picture of my costume here) and ending up having a great time with my friends!

~ Caroline


  1. I like the green one (1st one) best!

    Check out my blog and giveaway!

  2. Oh I love those jackets, I wouldn't be able to resist them either!

  3. The prices from Forever 21 are AMAZING and I personally don't find I have to sacrifice much quality!!

  4. I just ordered that burgandy jacket at 50% off :) I'm new to HerCampus and love finding fellow college bloggers (Sometimes feel like I'm the only one!)

    xo Shane

  5. The prices from Forever 21 are AMAZING and I personally don't find I have to sacrifice much quality!!!
    leather Jackets


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