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Caroline's Covets N2

Monday, February 2, 2015

What a night last night was... If you follow me on twitter you know that I was a little fired up about the Super Bowl last night (both for the commercials and the actual game). Since it was arguably the most important game ever played by Tom Brady and the Patriots I went between being stressed out and freaking out the whole time. 

I'm sure, though, that all you non football and non Patriots fans are sick of hearing us New Englander's rave about historic quarterback, so I'll move on. To help beat your Monday blues I have my favorite pieces on the web this week. With the beginning of February my mind is in spring, even though I remember real fast that it is still winter every time I walk outside. I'm dreaming of pretty flats and and espadrilles while the reality is I'm still wearing thick scarves and warm sweaters. 

On the non fashion/clothing side of things I've been feeling a little uninspired in the whole food and cooking category of my life. Maybe it's just adjusting back to a schedule that doesn't allow a great deal of time for cooking or maybe I'm realizing that nothing is better than my parents cooking, but I need a real kick of inspiration in meal making. While recipes found online are usually great there is just something about flipping through a cookbook. I love the Superfood option above, but I would love to hear other suggestions!


  1. That blue sweater. DONE! Love this little series! Have you thought about signing up for Blue Apron? I did it for a few months and it really taught me how to cook (and the meals were delicious)!

    Pink Champagne Problems

  2. I'm so in love with the double bar necklace and scalloped shirt from topshop. (the price tag on the shirt doesn't hurt either! )

    - Kirstin


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