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TGIF + Links

Friday, March 28, 2014

Happy Friday everyone! This week has felt incredibly long, yesterday being the worst. There is a reason for late posting and all around absence from social media yesterday. Yesterday morning while walking back from class my water bottle somehow opened in my bag and managed to soak my computer in a matter of minutes. So the rest of my day was spent running back and forth from the Apple store to Tekserve (they were incredibly helpful) to see if my baby of four and half years could be easily fixed. Sadly, the answer everywhere was no. Moral of the story, don't keep your water bottle in a bag with your computer because it could lead to disaster. I'm also now on the hunt for waterproof laptop slips, so if anyone knows about any please let me know!

At the end of the day all I wanted to do was relax and indulge in some Netflix binging, but an NYU event at The Met was not going to be passed up. A night with friends ending up being the cure for my ridiculously long and exhausting day, but boy am I happy it is finally Friday. 

I hope all of your weeks have not been as long and arduous as mine has! 

Here are a few things I've been loving this week...

Stolen from Dana's list earlier this week is Jenna Lyons' Guide to New York.

This designer who lives outside of Copenhagen opened a cafe below his workspace and it is such a cute place!

These quotes from Amy Poehler, Tina Fey, and Mindy Kaling are both funny and inspirational. 

After heating from BBC America's Marketing Director this week I've realized that I need to watch their series Orphan Black ASAP before the second season premieres!

20 flats for spring from Style Caster, most of which are surprisingly affordable, including this pair.

Hope you all have a great weekend!


  1. Love the links! Those photos of that cafe are too cute! I'm sorry to hear about your laptop, I would be so upset!

    Constance || Prep Northwest

  2. Great links, love the one about flats :) Have a great weekend!


    1. Thanks Julie! Hope you have a great weekend also!


  3. Great links! Laptop drama is seriously the worst, ugh!!!

    Pink Champagne Problems

    1. I Completely agree. It was not a fun day. Thanks Dana!


  4. love the links each week! well done!


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