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Outfit: Leopard Everywhere

Thursday, February 13, 2014
{Silence + Noise blazer, H&M blouse, American Eagle Jeans, INC flats, Bauble Bar Necklace, Timex watch, J.Crew iPhone case}

With this freezing weather I'm been wearing blouses, jeans, and oh yeah flats. I don't care that it's twenty degrees outside anymore because I am seriously sick of boots. I'm awaiting the days to come where I can wear a skirt without tights and slip on a pair of sandals as I'm running to class. Of course right now my go to pair of flats is my newly replaced leopard print ones, which are always complemented by my new leopard print phone case. Maybe I'll buy this Kate Spade bag next? I'm just kidding about the bag, but seriously can a girl have too much leopard print?


  1. I love this outfit, those shoes I have been eyeing out for a while, they are so perfect.


  2. Love those shoes, jazzes up the outfit. Nice post!


  3. Haha oh my gosh I can't believe you are wearing flats in this weather--I love your stubbornness over the weather ahahah!
    I've also refused to dress appropriately in Chicago, it's like a little rebellion against mother nature ~
    Great post!

    <(") Hoda
    JooJoo Azad ~ Free Bird

    1. Being a summer girl living where it's freezing for basically five months of the year has made my extremely stubborn! Thanks so much!

      ~ Caroline

  4. Love the black on black! I totally agree with you on the whoe "sick of boots" thing! Even in below freezing temps I'm wearing my flats, spring can't come soon enough!

    xx Ally

    1. I completely agree! My feet may be numb but it's better than boots! Thanks so much!

      ~ Caroline

  5. I am also so sick of winter boots and sweaters! The flats are super adorable. Love the leopard print


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