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Coffee Break N.3

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

I had the realization this past weekend that I only have five more weeks of class as a college student, then I officially graduate and have to be a 'real' adult. It was one of those moments where you realize sh*t I've been doing this all wrong and now I'm running out of time. I'm not trying to argue that studying, interning, and getting a job aren't important (especially since my parents are likely reading), but there's also so much more to these four years that I'm never going to be able to get back. So long story short, hang out with your friends, get drinks on Mondays, and don't spend all your time watching Netflix.

Now onto regular Coffee Break programming, with a few of my favorite things right now...

1) Thirteen Reason Why on Netflix - High School sucks for everyone at least some of the time, but after you leave those years behind it's easy to forget just how hard teenagers have it, especially when sexual harassment, cyber bullying, and depression come into the picture. Teen depression is an issue I'm especially passionate about changing and Thirteen Reasons Why does an incredible job reminding you that every choice you make affects someone else's life. Plus, once you finish the season make sure to watch the interviews with the cast, specialists, and producers in 'Beyond the Reasons'.

*Also yes I realize it's ironic I just wrote not to watch Netflix and now I'm talking about a new show to watch 😂

2) Jenna Lyons leaving J.Crew - Hopefully (well more like unfortunately) you've heard, but Jenna Lyons is leaving J.Crew after more than 26 years at the company. Lyons made J.Crew the powerhouse it is today fueled by pure creativity and genius, and along the way became one of my idols in the industry. While it's definitely a sad seperation, like many I'm excited to see what comes from next Lyons! (Learn more @ Refinery29)

3) #EqualPayDay - I realize I'm a day late, but Equal Pay Day was yesterday (April 4th), and seeing as I'd like to make as much as my male counterparts someday (hope you're hearing the sass in my voice right now) I thought I'd share two of my favorite articles from yesterday. First is how the pay gap looks in different states. I'm lucky to live in one of the most equal states, but in Wyoming women make less than $0.65 for every dollar a man makes. Second, both women and men need to recognize the reasons the pay gap still exists, and this article highlights 3 of the biggest reasons.

4) Help me find a semi-formal dress! - I have two different events coming up where I need semi-formal / cocktail dresses and need suggestions on some non-typical stores to shop at. I've looked through Nordstrom, Asos, Revolve, Shopbop etc for one and haven't found anything! If you have a suggestion of another retailer I should look at please let me know in the comments :)

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