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New York Summer Bucket List

Friday, May 22, 2015

This weekend marks the unofficial start to summer and I'm so very ready for it! In the last week my mind has been switching from finals mode to summer planning and I've been going a bit crazy with all the things I want to do. While I was home last summer I was making lists on lists of all the things I could do in NYC in the summer that I couldn't do the rest of the year because I was either too busy or it was too freakin' cold. I've found the best way to motivate myself to actually get everything done on my must-do list is to write it all down here on Peachy Keen. Writing everything down here for you all to read makes it feel a bit more real and I feel even more accountable for my plans. 

So in kicking off Summer 2015, here is my New York City Summer Bucket List! Hope you all have an ah-mazing Memorial Day Weekend!

1. Ride bicycles around the city
I have a serious fear of riding bikes around New York, but a friend who recently signed up for Citi Bike has inspired me to face my fear and practice cycling around the city. I plan to start with some back roads, or maybe even Central Park, but hopefully as the summer goes on I'll actually be able to bike down the street like a pro. 

2. Lose my voice at the Zac Brown Band concert
I already bought tickets for the Zac Brown Band concert in August at Citi Field, so I don't know if this can really count as a bucket list item. I am SO excited though and I plan on only listening to Zac Brown Band over the next three months to ensure that I know every word to every song and can seriously lose my voice on the night of the concert. 

3. Visit Coney Island and go on the Thunderbolt
I love amusement parks (and roller coasters), so it amazes me that after all this time I still haven't been to Coney Island. I plan on find the hottest sunniest summer day and heading over to Coney Island for lots of rides and delicious hot dogs. 

4. Find the best lobster rolls in NYC
As a New Englander I think it's basically my job to find the best lobster rolls in the city. Since I won't be able to visit Maine or the Cape this summer I have to find the best options close by. I plan on trying out Luke's, Mary's Fish Camp, Pearl Oyster Bar and more.

5. Go to an outdoor movie at South Street Seaport
Last summer I made a plan to go to an outdoor movie when I was in the city one weekend, but it fell through, so now I'm making sure I can go this summer! It's the perfect location by the water and they often have food trucks to sooth all my crazy cravings.

6. Spend a Saturday at Governor's Island
When everything gets crazy in the city over the summer I am forcing myself to take a mini vacation to Governor's Island. The day will consist of frisbee, book reading, and sleeping on their amazing hammocks. I've only heard amazing things about the island and have meaning to go for so long.

7. Go to the Brooklyn Bridge at sunrise
I've been to the Brooklyn Bridge at basically every time of day, except sunrise. It's absolutely beautiful at sunset and in the middle of the night, but I'm dying to see the sun rise from the bridge, even if it's ridiculously early. Who knows, maybe I just won't go to sleep the night before ;)

8. Eat everything at Smorgasburg 
Ok, well maybe I can't eat everything at Smorgasburg, but I haven't even been once yet so I need to go. For someone who calls herself a foodie as well as being instagram obsessed it's pretty unbelievable that I haven't made my way over to NYC's favorite food market. Between hot dogs, donuts, fries, and tacos, I want it all...

9. Get soaked at the Central Park water fight
When July 25th rolls around you can find me at the Great Lawn in Central Park with a ridiculous water gun. Apparently there were thousands of people there last summer and I won't miss it this summer. It's like a huge snow ball fight, but way way better because it's summer and warm and not snowing.

10. Get all my friends together for a huge picnic brunch!
The best part of summer in the city this year is the number of friends I have staying here. Some are coming back to the city from abroad and some are just staying past the end of the semester for work, and we are all going to have so much fun together. Before the summer ends I want to get everyone together for a sunny picnic brunch where everyone can bring their favorite brunch foods and finally catch up with each other :)

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