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Outfit: Turtlenecks?

Thursday, January 8, 2015

If you had asked me last month what I thought of turtlenecks you would have gotten a long tangent about how they are the ugliest piece of clothing (worse than leggings) that just end up making your neck itchy. Well fast forward to the present and I'm showing you an outfit complete with a bright red turtleneck. 

After seeing turtlenecks all over the internet and actually loving the way Sloane of Sailing The Sea of Style styled them I couldn't help but bring this extra soft one home from J.Crew Factory. For a day of catching up on work and running errands I paired it with casual jeans and slip ons, but next I think I'll be styling it with my OTK boots and some dressier pieces. 

What do you think about the return of turtlenecks? Yay or nay?


  1. I love the turtleneck trend, and I'm especially loving this vibrant red turtleneck you have here. You look fab!

  2. Nice turtleneck, and I LOVE your shoes!

  3. I think you and I are on the same wave-length - I've been obsessed with turtlenecks recently! Love this red one!

    Constance || Prep Northwest


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