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Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy 2014 everyone! I spent my first day of the year sleeping in and watching HGTV shows with my family (we love House Hunters). 

I also caught up with the blogs I haven't had a chance to read over the holidays. After reading about everyone's New Years resolutions I've had a hard time thinking about my own. Making resolutions always seems to put a lot of weight on specific goals that often can't be accomplished. So this year instead of writing down a list of goals that I will likely forget in a few weeks I'm choosing to live by the motto 'Never settle for less than everything'. 

Whether it's getting an A in my financial accounting class or working on a new design for my blog I want each little goal to be approached with a can-do attitude. Everyone has dreams for the future, but I feel that so often we get pushed down by the day to day struggles. This year I want to think about my goals and dreams for the future and remember to never settle for less than everything, even on the hardest days. 

~ Caroline


  1. My family is kind of obsessed with HGTV, too! We watch stuff about houses in Hawaii and just cry a little on the inside, since we don't live there.

    - Sarah
    Chem & Cardigans

  2. LOVE that quote! Words to live by!


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