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Outfit: Neon Stripes

Thursday, March 28, 2013
{American Eagle jacket, Gap sweater, American Eagle jeans, H&M flats}

So I have a few things to say about this outfit and the pictures above. 
1) I didn't realize my jeans had gotten so wrinkled during the day yesterday. Anyone have any suggestions on how to not have that happen?
2) More importantly, I'm not sure what is going on with my hands in these pictures. I may be pretty pale from the horrible north east winter but the red/purple color in my hands is a bit scary. I  spent over an hour outside on a playground with little kids for a school activity I do, which might explain the horrible color. 
Even with those awkward parts of these pictures I love this outfit! I've never really been a fan of any neon (or bright colors in general) but this is my new favorite sweater. Unfortunately, it is actually my sister's, but I've told her I will be stealing it often!

~ Caroline

p.s. I couldn't find these jeans online but they are available at American Eagle stores. Just look for the white jeggings (they don't feel like jeggings at all though!). 


  1. I love the white jeans! I'm so excited its spring so we can bring them out of closets, now! :)

  2. Ha don't worry, my hands can get like that too. I know for me it happens when they are transitioning from being really cold to normal again :)

    Love the flats!

  3. Great outfit! I love white jeans... I have a kind of obsession with them! x

  4. OMG, I finally found a pair of flattering white jeans and I am soaking up every which way they can be styled! Thank you ;)

    xo Rachel from Waves of Chic

  5. I love your outfit. That striped top is so pretty. I really need to buy a pair of white jeans for this Spring.

    Tracy @ Sunny Days and Starry Nights

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