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Splurge vs Save: Black Crossbody Bag

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

I've been thinking about buying this Rebecca Minkoff bag for years. I love the bag and have never found anything just like it. However, with a price tag of $195 it is a little above the price range a high schooler, who babysits and scoops ice cream for a living, should be looking at. 
This begs the question; save or splurge? I've found a few black crossbody bags that are similar to the Rebecca Minkoff bag. They are all great bags and cost much less than the RM bag, but I don't love any of them as much as my beloved mini MAC.  Should I buy a cheaper bag or is it worth it to splurge and buy the bag I've wanted for so long? 

~ Caroline


  1. I love this!! I am obsessed with Rebecca Minkoff and you did a great job finding similar bags :)


    Fashion HotBox

  2. Love these bags so much, I manage to buy one at H&M for 10€! It was a great find. :)

    xx MJ

  3. Okay this is from one Caroline to another.... yes it's expensive but here's what you need to look at. How long have you loved it? If it's a classic shape (which it is and a classic colour) it's a bag you can carry for years. Find a great shoes repair guy (they also do bags) and make friends, let them tell you how to take care of it properly. I'm one of those people that prefers having fewer things of better quality than a ton of things that I toss 'cause I don't care about them! There, that's just my opinion though.

  4. I say save :)


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