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Vacation Ruffles

Friday, August 11, 2017

TGIF! I'm so happy that after a few weeks of traveling, I'm finally spending the weekend in the city. I was so exhausted this week that I actually went to bed at 9PM on Wednesday night 😂. All that being said, I definitely wouldn't mind going back to last weekend's relaxing trip to Montauk with my family. While the weather didn't cooperate (it rained ~ 60% of the weekend) it actually made the weekend the perfect low key retreat. 

Luckily, on Sunday afternoon we did get a bit of sun so my fam headed over to Inlet Seafood for dinner. While the restaurant isn't a dressy spot, I wanted to wear something that felt vacation appropriate - and that's where this adorable peplum top comes in. The combined striped and floral pattern is too cute on it's own, but the corset peplum shape really makes this top the right amount of sexy and fun. I'd love to pair it with a flirty skirt for a dressier evening, but for dinner I knew that my go-to jeans would do just the trick. 

I kind of ditched the peplum trend after I found out my nickname freshman year was 'Peplum Girl' (don't you just love knowing what people thought of you before you met? aha), but after finding this top I might just have to bring the shape back into my wardrobe!



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