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Spring Cleaning For Your Life & Closet

Friday, March 13, 2015

It finally felt like spring this week in NYC and after walking home from class one day all I wanted to do was rip everything out of my room and start anew. Now part of that may have been my desire to procrastinate studying, but mostly the beautiful weather just put me in a spring cleaning mode. While I like to make new years resolutions, the middle of the winter is not exactly an inspirational time in the Northeast. However, when spring hits so does the inspiration and I start changing everything. If you're like me (or if you're the total opposite) and want to do a little spring cleaning in your life or your closet I have a few tips. 

For Your Life
1. First, bring out those New Year Resolutions you made in January. Did you want to go to the gym more or start cooking everyday? Remind yourself of the changes you said you were going to make and recommit yourself!

2. Start walking everywhere! The weather is finally getting nice again, which means your excuses to take the subway, bus, or a cab are gone. Not only will you feel healthier, but also getting fresh air is the best way to wake yourself up in the morning. 

3. Read every morning. Getting up and reading the news, even if you just quickly read The Skimm will put you ahead for the rest of the day. My daily ritual includes coffee, reading The Skimm, checking my Bloglovin' feed, and a quick look at AdWeek

4. Eat more fruits and veggies! It is the season of fresh fruit and vegetables, so eat more of them. The holidays are over (including Valentine's Day + Fat Tuesday), so it's time to get back on the healthy eating track. 

For Your Closet
1. Take out everything and sort it into piles. This may seem like an overwhelming task, but cleaning out your closet by removing everything first really is the best way to do it. 

2. Try defining what your style is in three words (this can be really hard) and then pick out the pieces in your closet that stick with this style. Your whole closet doesn't have to be pieces that fit this style, but understanding which pieces do will help get rid of the 'I have nothing to wear' feeling. 

3. Put together three outfits for the days when you have no time to think about what you're wearing. My go-to is a striped tee, jeans, and a blazer so I make sure that I always have clean back ups of this outfit. 

4. Write out a shopping list for the season. Again, know your style and buy around it. I like sticking to a color palette or feeling for a season. This spring I'm feeling black, white, blush, and denim (with maybe a little navy blue). It will be a lot easier getting dressed when all your pieces work together.

5. Organize. Organize. Organize. When putting your closet back together create an organization system. Whether you organize by type, color, times you wear, season, or any other unique system, stick to the system. I like to organize by color and type. I start with light sleeveless going all the way to dark jackets.

Good luck with all your spring cleaning goals! If you have any other tips for spring inspiration or getting back on track please share them with me :)


  1. Loved the tips! I live in New Jersey so I'm in the same boat as you - impatiently awaiting good ol' spring! I can't wait to walk everywhere and eat all fruits possible haha

  2. This is just what I needed! Thanks, Caroline!

    - Kirstin

  3. This is perfect! Thank you for the tips!

    Michaela || The Monogrammed Midwesterner


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