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Friday, September 19, 2014

Happy Birthday to Me! I always feel weird writing that but... Yay it's my birthday. I'm always the youngest of my friends (All you August & September birthdays understand me, right?), so I'm extra excited when I finally turn a year older and catch up with them. While I'm all about the countdown to 20 it is weird to think though that is my last year of being a teenager. 

It is always hard to be away from my family on my birthday since our traditions of ice cream cakes and my mom snapping a million pictures are some of my favorite childhood memories, but I can't really complain since I'm spending my birthday weekend in Barcelona! Visiting the Sagrada Familia, getting some beach time, and eating delicious food are high on my must-do list. And of course I watched this Cheetah Girls song before getting on the train to prepare myself (I loved The Cheetah Girls when I was little). 

As always make sure to check Instagram because I'll probably be counting down the seconds until I have wifi and can post more pictures. Hope you all have a great weekend!


  1. Aw happy late birthday Caroline! I hope that is was super fun, even though you were away from your family!

    Constance || Prep Northwest


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