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Happy Friday + Links

Friday, January 31, 2014

I have now been back in New York for a week and I'm seriously happy to be here! However, I somehow forgot how freakin' cold it is when the wind blows down Broadway in the morning. My ears nearly froze off the first morning I walked to class. Even with the cold (which I know everyone is sick of hearing about) being back in the city is just what I needed after over a month at home. This weekend I'll be taking advantage of highs above freezing (so warm right?) and hopefully making a trip up to Central Park on Saturday. Of course I'll be parked in front of a TV, along with most of America, on Sunday watching the Superbowl! 

A few thinks I've been loving this week...

Finding this picture of a J.Crew tweet with #JCrewtruths. Can we seriously make this a thing? 

I only just found this article with great ways to style a leather skater skirt like the one I just bought (shown here) and I love them!

Who doesn't love Sophia Bush? I know I do and I'm also obsessed with her new show Chicago PD that is on Wednesday nights.

This op-ed on street style definitely brings up a few thinks to think about. 

Love these picks by Who What Wear for the your 14 essentials!

Hope you all have a great weekend! 

~ Caroline


  1. Above freezing is WARM?!?! I'm such a Florida girl! I was shivering when it was 40 the other day. And anything below 70 is considered cold.
    Also, I totally just reblogged that J.Crew pic. And yes, Sophia Bush is amazing. HCXO


    1. I start shivering when the weather hits 50 cause I'm definitely southern at heart, but right now 40s feels like spring!

      ~ Caroline


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