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Happy Weekend!

Friday, July 26, 2013
{picture via my Tumblr}

Happy Friday! It is finally dreary and chilly in Massachusetts and I couldn't be happier about it. The heat and humidity was getting to be too much for me and I'm about ready for fall. However, I know in just a month or two I'll be kicking myself for saying this. Weekends will soon become precious again since in just three weeks I move into school. Then before you know it twenty degrees will be the norm and I'll be cursing the Northeast winters. 

For now though I plan to curl up with a book and watch the wind blow outside. Dreary weather is the perfect excuse to spend a day doing nothing! So whatever your weekend plans are I hope you are soaking up every minute of it. 

~ Caroline


  1. I love these colors together! The skirt is so pretty

  2. amazing outfit! so colorful :)

  3. I'm the opposite, I am so ready for summer and sun! Very much over the cold and rain here in Melbourne. I want to go to the beach!

    Website | Winston & Willow


  4. Gorgeous outfit! Love the mix of pink and red!


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