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Liebster Award Round Two

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Hey all, I was nominated for the Liebster award again by Maria from Shopaholic's Thoughts. Even though I already was nominated once before I thought I would answer Maria's questions. I'm extremely honored to be nominated again! You can look here for my last Liebster award post. 

When did you start your blog and why?
I started my blog this summer just before I started my senior year of high school. It felt like the right time to start something new and I've always loved fashion and reading fashion blogs so I figured I could write a blog as well. 

What is your biggest fear?
My biggest fear is easily heights. I don't really know how to describe it because I'm fine being high in a building with walls but I can't stand feeling like I'm going to fall. 

What's your biggest dream?
Honestly, I don't know. There are so many things I know I want to do in my life, though. I want to travel, have a job that I love, and hopefully be involved in fashion in some way. 

If you had to choose one place to live for the rest of your life, where would it be?
New York City of course!

What's your favorite quote?
It is right on the side of my blog. 
In breaking away from the familiar and the expected, you'll be forced and privileged to face greater challenges, learn harder lessons, and really get to know yourself." ~ Kelly Cutrone
These are words to live by. 

What is your biggest obsession?
Hmmm.... Peplum. I'm definitely obsessed. It's a trend I probably own way to much of. 

What's your favorite blog?
Well there is no way I can pick. I love Atlantic-Pacific, Cupcakes and Cashmere, Gal Meets Glam, Damsel in Dior, Stripes and Sequins, Sequins and Stripes.... and the list goes on. 

Do you like where you live? Why?
I live in a small town of Boston which I hate and love at the same time. I do love Boston though and would love to live in the city when I'm older. There are so many great things going on in the city year around and I love being by the ocean. The only problem is the cold. I can't handle it. 

Who has been the biggest influence in your life?
My dad has been the biggest influence in my life. He has worked ridiculously hard during his life and he is my role model in everything I attempt to do. 

How would you like to be remembered?
As who I am. Whatever that ends up being. I want people to know the real me. 

How would you describe yourself as a child?
I was (and still am) pretty clumsy. I was (and still am) and complete girly girl. In elementary school I had a uniform and I refused to wear anything but the plaid skirts and dresses with mary janes. I guess not much has changed. 

Hope this has given you a little snippet of my life. With the liebster award you are also supposed to nominate other blogs with under 200 followers (I looked at is according to bloglovin').  Here are my nominees. 
These are all great blogs that I've begun to follow recently! You should all check them out!

And 11 my questions are: 
1) How did you name your blog?
2) What is a trend you don't want to go away?
3) Where is your favorite place you have been?
4) What is a piece you think looks good on everyone?
5) What should every girl have?
6) Who are three people you admire?
7) Describe your personal style.
8) What are two things you cannot live without?
9) Where do you hope to be in five years?
10) What is your favorite holiday tradition?
11) Do you have a New Years Resolution? If yes, what is it?

Happy Hump Day!

~ Caroline


  1. Congratulations! Such great answers. I always love reading that part!

  2. Nice answers! :D

    xx MJ


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