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Winter Boots

Thursday, November 8, 2012
1: Coach
2: Hunter
3: Sperry Topsider
4: Hunter
5: Burberry
6: Joule
In the last week Boston has gone from being hit by Hurricane Sandy to a Nor'Easter. So the weather has been pretty crazy, and It has been hard to adjust to below freezing temperatures when it was almost 60 last week. 
The first snow fall has had me begun thinking about the long winter ahead of those of us in the North East, and how I am going to deal with it. To be frank I'm not a cold weather girl. I like the beginning of fall when the air is crisp and highs are in the high 60s, but once we hit the 40s I want to go into hibernation. 
The only way I survice until March is by layering heavy sweater and coats, going to Starbucks often (I'm obsessed with the holiday cups!), and wearing water proof boots. Honestly high school girls have the cold weather shoes down to a science. Once it gets slushy outside I see a daily parade of Hunters, Sperry boots, bean boots, and all other forms of water proof shoes. 
I love my leather boots but most days in the winter they just get destroyed by the snow and slush, so that is wear the rubber boots come in. You can get so much more than just plain rain boots and still be safe from the snow! My go to shops have always been Hunter and Sperry but there are so many places to by fun boots! Some of my favorites are above!

~ Caroline

p.s. I have the red Hunter rain boots and LOVE them. I would easily wear them every day if I could. The bright color adds some fun to a dreary winter day, and transitions perfectly into spring and summer!

1 comment

  1. I AM SO OBSESSED WITH THE FOX RAIN BOOTS! Haha. They're so adorable! Definitely going on my wish list :) -ally


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