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Happy Thanksgiving

Thursday, November 22, 2012

{Images from my Tumblr}

This Thanksgiving there is so much I am thankful for. Today I will be surrounded by my family and friends, all of which are healthy and happy. We will all sit down for a meal and eat more than we should. There will probably be small arguments about cooking, politics, and kids but that's one of the things I love about my family. I hope everyone else can find happiness on this day whether you are with friends, family, or traveling to see them. Have a happy Thanksgiving!

~ Caroline

1 comment

  1. Unfortunately I'm living in Denmark so I'm not celebrating Thanksgiving..
    But you have a happy thanksgiving! (Yeah I know it's over but still :-D)
    And what a nice blog. I really like your put-clothes-together-pictures/collages of clothes. They're nice!

    Btw thanks for your comment on my blog, I appreciate it. I'm following, would be nice if we could follow each other :-)



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