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Friday Five N.1

Friday, October 2, 2015
TGIF everyone! I'm excited this Friday to start this new Friday Five series that you'll be seeing at the end of most weeks. A lot happens in the week that definitely warrants being mentioned but doesn't exactly make for an entire blog post, so this is my way of sharing the little things that really make each week fun. Now I'll be honest. Not to state the obvious, but not every week of a college student's life is fun or exciting, so if you don't hear from me assume I'm deep in a study guide somewhere. 

Tuesday I ended up getting last minute Red Sox vs Yankees tickets for only $5 (thanks NYU!) so my roommate and I headed up to Yankee Stadium for the game. I'm not a huge baseball fan, but if you give me a Boston team to root for and a delicious hot dog I will always be there. Plus, my Boston sports loving best friend was just a text away any time I had a question. Thanks Chloe :)

I've made a goal with a friend this semester to try out new restaurants, and one of our first stops was By Chloe. I'm not usually the vegan food type, but this place is amazing. It's also less than a 5 minute walk from my apartment which has proved to be incredibly dangerous. If you go the Guac-Burger and Quinoa Taco Salad are a must!

This dreary weather has me hiding out in our cute little apartment. While my window faces a not so pretty alley way, my roommate has an adorable set up of books on her windowsill. Whenever I need an escape from my room I just hop over to her room for a little inspiration. 

Fair Folks has become my everyday coffee place. Their $25 a month for unlimited coffee deal sucked me in and now it's a mandatory stop on my way to class in the morning. Plus, if you haven't checked it out, their online shop is adorable. 

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