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Hydrangeas & Lobster Rolls

Monday, July 7, 2014

The Monday after a long weekend is always a hard one, and while getting out of bed this morning was especially hard as soon as I remembered that my family is picking up our puppy today I was up and in the shower. 

Fourth of July was completely rained out around Boston, but luckily my beach day was planned for later on in the weekend. Yesterday my family headed down the Cape to spend the day with extended family (some I hadn't seen in 5 years). It was incredible to see my cousins all together with their adorable little children. We spent the day on my Uncle's boat, sitting at the beach, and as always eating some delicious food (starting with homemade guac at home and finishing with lobster rolls, yum!). It is also the perfect time to visit the Cape since all the hydrangeas are blooming. The obsession people have with peonies is how I feel about hydrangeas, so when I spotted the beautiful blue ones I had to snap a picture. 

How was all the holiday weekend for you all? I hope it was less rainy than mine!


  1. The Preppy SistersJuly 7, 2014 at 9:23 AM

    Ahh that day in the cape sounds absolutely lovely, I was just there. It's absolutely stunning! And beautiful pictures, love the hydrangea one.

  2. that is so exciting about your puppy! and i absolutely love the picture of hydrangeas, they're one of my favorite flowers!


  3. I LOVE hydrangeas! Sounds like you had an amazing weekend :) Can't wait to see more about the puppy!

    XX, SS || A Little Seersucker Sass

  4. I spent the extended weekend in NYC! The weather was lovely (aside the short thunderstorm on thursday) Looks like you had a wonderful weekend as well!

  5. They are definitely my favorite! The puppy has been great so far!


  6. There will be plenty more. Especially on my instagram (@carolinestf)


  7. Oh that is so nice! I'm heading back to the city next weekend and hoping the weather will be great!


  8. Sounds like you had an amazing weekend! Bummer it rained, but hopefully there are sunny days ahead!

  9. What beautiful hydrangeas! They're definitely a favorite flower! I love these photos - so glad you had a great time with your family!

    Constance || Prep Northwest


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