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Outfit: B&W Floral

Monday, April 6, 2015
Today is definitely a catch up day for me. After a busy weekend academically combined with Easter this week is going to be all about catching up on work and fitting in sleep wherever possible. However, getting to leave the city for a 24 hour trip to Long Island for Easter was a nice break from the craziness. 

I love any excuse to wear a pretty dress, and now that it's spring I plan on wearing them all.the.time. When I found this dress at LOFT last week for 50% I knew I had to get it for Easter. In an ideal world I'd be tan and able to wear a white lacy dress for the holiday, but the reality is I'm months away from a real tan. So, wearing a black and white dress (with a but of blush mixed in) was the perfect compromise. Plus, I was just thankful that the weather actually stayed nice and I wasn't freezing with my bare legs. 

I hope you all had wonderful holiday weekends, and good luck to those of you who are back to reality today! Just five more days until the weekend :)

Wearing: LOFT dress*, Nine West heels, Urban Outfitters blazer (very old), Marc by Marc Jacobs watch
*I'm 5'4" and bought this dress in petite because the regular sizes felt too long


  1. This dress is too cute for words! I love how it looks paired with a blazer. xo jen

  2. Love love that dress! Especially with that blazer. Glad you had a great weekend!

    Constance || Prep Northwest

  3. That dress is gorgeous!! What a great find! Then again, LOFT is full of awesome goodies right now.


    Something About That

  4. This pretty dress is just darling on you, what a great find!

    XO Courtney

  5. SUCH a gorgeous dress on you, Caroline! The ruffles are such a feminine, pretty touch. I love!


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