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Happy Thanksgiving everyone! This year I have so much to be thankful for and so many people to be thankful of. Everything changed this fall when I left for college, but the people around me, my family, old friends, and new friends have made the last few months incredible. It is amazing to think that a few years ago living and going to school in the city was just a dream and now I wake up every morning to the New York City skyline. 

As I headed home for Thanksgiving yesterday I realized just how lucky I was to feel like I was leaving one home to go to another. My friends and roommates at school have become like a family to me since September. I can't imagine not hearing all of their hilarious stories over dinner every night. At the same time being home for a few days with my family and friends in Massachusetts is something I never want to have to give up. Catching up with the friends I haven't seen in a few months reminds me how much I miss them when I'm at school. 

I'll spending my Thanksgiving, and the next few days, making the most of my time with family and friends while I'm at home. 

I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving full of delicious food. I know I can't wait for the pumpkin pie!

~ Caroline


Happy Thanksgiving everyone! This year I have so much to be thankful for and so many people to be thankful of. Everything changed this...
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Earlier this week when I was on the phone with my Dad he asked me what was on my christmas wish list. As my Dad, he knows that there are usually almost a hundred things I can name at any time that I want, so he was pretty surprised when I said I didn't know. 

Well Dad, no need to worry I have created a Christmas wish list with plenty of items on it! While some of these items (mostly just those incredible boots) would be a Christmas miracle if they happened to show up under the tree on Dec 25th, most of them are a great (i.e affordable) price!

A good portion of my wish list this year is dedicated to practicalities because I could definitely use a few more sweaters and sleeveless blouses to layer during these winter months. However, some pieces, like the monogram ring and leopard print bag, aren't definitely high on my "just because" list. 

What are you all hoping to open up Christmas morning? 

~ Caroline

Shop: My Christmas Wish List

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

I'm definitely not a pro christmas shopper. I usually end up resorting to buying clothes for my family members for lack of other creative ideas. So this year I'm starting Christmas shopping early (meaning not the week before Christmas). I love the idea of finding fun personal pieces for my family members such as an initial necklace for my sister, mug for my mom, and cutting board for my dad.

Small gifts are also usually hard to find but fun games (like my favorite, bananagrams) and art kits (like nail art for my little sister) are great gifts for great prices. 

Good luck with all your holiday shopping!

~ Caroline

Family Gift Guide

Monday, November 25, 2013

Happy Friday everyone! I honestly can't believe Thanksgiving is only a few days away! I'm sad to be leaving the city, but I can't wait to see my family and friends at home. While I'm usually pretty strict on my no Christmas spirit until after Thanksgiving I've already given in this year. If you follow me on instagram you know that the city is already set up for the holidays and I'm eating it all up.

- I'm a huge Scandal fan and this article about Olivia Pope's wardrobe makes me want to binge watch the show for hours! (Link found thanks to Gracey from Stripes & Peonies)

- I finally began pinning to my holiday board on Pinterest again and am now obsessed with these metallic pants! The Christmas season is definitely the perfect time to bring out luxe pieces. 

- We all know about Macy's Christmas windows, but check out Bergdorf's holiday windows. I love the intricacy in them. 

- I love Grace Atwood's DIY necklace with velvet and gold! It would perfect over a simple dress for Christmas day!

- My plaid/tartan obsession got even worse after seeing this spread from Elle Sweden. I definitely need a tartan coat or blazer.

- I'll definitely be taking a trip to Empire Biscuit this weekend after checking out their menu. It's time a little bit of the south came to NYC!

Hope you all have a great weekend planned!

~ Caroline

Happy Weekend + Links

Friday, November 22, 2013
{Zara coat, J.Crew Factory flannel (now sold out), Old Navy coated jeans, Express Boots, Nordstrom sunglasses}

Hey all! Sorry for the lack of outfit posts this week. The fact that the sun is now setting close to 4:30pm is making it hard to find time to pictures before it is dark. However, I'm so happy I am finally showing off my love of all things plaid on the blog.

 I just bought the shirt above from J.Crew Factory and it is the second plaid flannel in my collection (the other can be seen peeping out of my sweater here) and it definitely won't be the last. I bought it a little on the larger size for a more casual fit and so that it can shrink in the wash without me freaking out. I started off the day yesterday wearing the top tucked into my favorite coated jeans, but ended up untucking it after having to adjust the front one to many times. I'm sure as soon as the snow begins to fall here in New York I'll be wearing this look with my red hunters as often as I can!

~ Caroline

Outfit: A Growing Collection

Thursday, November 21, 2013

I'm a huge believer in the idea that the accessories can make an outfit. Well have our everyday rings, necklaces, and bracelets but when it comes to the holiday season it can be fun to break out statement pieces to add a little glam to your look. Whether you are going to a party or just having Thanksgiving dinner with your family there is a statement necklace that will complete your outfit perfectly. 

For a more casual look I love layering a bold necklace over a buttoned up plaid flannel or chambray shirt. On a dressier night wearing a dress with a high neckline is the perfect way to show off the same necklace!

If you plan to spend to invest in a nice necklace from somewhere like J.Crew I suggest buying one that incorporates neutral colors and either gold or silver so that it will work with many different outfits. However, if you are looking at places similar to Forever 21, try picking out a necklace with a really bold shape or color that may only go with one or two looks. 

~ Caroline

Shop: Holiday Necklaces

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Sometimes when life gets crazy we forget to do the little things that make us happy (and keep us sane) and after reading 18 Things Everyone Should Start Making Time For Again over the weekend I realized that there are so many things in my own life that I never do but should. The list focuses on slowing down and taking the time to call your friends and family or eat a long meal and have good conversations. Since life today is usually put on fast forward I often have to remind myself to slow down and do the small things that I love. 

I love curling up on rainy days, like yesterday, and flipping through the pages of Elle magazine or reading one of my favorite books. Sometimes I just have to force myself to forget about everything else that is going on and take an hour or two to relax.

As I've been at school longer I've also realized that some of my favorite routines from home, like watching the news in the morning or bringing my camera with me places to take pictures, have been completely forgotten about. 

Do you all have anything you try to make time for in your busy life?

~ Caroline

Making Time

Monday, November 18, 2013

Happy Friday! The weeks are flying by and it is crazy to think that Thanksgiving is less than two weeks away. Contrary to most people Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and I can't wait for the day spent seeing family, watching football, and filling up on pumpkin pie. Sadly, before I get to indulge in all my favorite things I have two midterms and a presentation to finish. I'll be hunkering down in the library this weekend attempting to get all of these assignments done. 

I'm sure I'll also be ogling over the Isabel Marant for H&M pieces that have recently been released, though only from afar. I'm absolutely in love with this jacket. Instead of going shopping I'll be getting my fashion fix from a new episode of The Carrie Diaries, another new love of mine. While Sex & the City was definitely before my time I've always loved watching the reruns and Anna Sophia Robb does incredibly well playing a young Carrie. The '80s inspired outfits and soap opera-like drama has definitely made it my guilty pleasure. Have any of you all seen it?

I hope you all have a great weekend planned! 

~ Caroline

Happy Weekend

Friday, November 15, 2013
{J.Crew chambray top, Forever 21 top, Zara skirt, Express boots, H&M necklace}

So, do you all remember this outfit from a couple weeks ago? Well I loved the combination of my leather skirt with this striped top that I found a way to make the look even better (and warmer). Layering my favorite chambray shirt underneath the stripes was something I had never thought of before but I loved the outcome! 

On another note sorry for the lack of outfit posts recently! Just like last fall as the days are getting shorter it has been harder and harder to find time to take pictures while it is still light out! Do you all have any suggestions for taking pictures at night? 

~ Caroline

Outfit: Chambray and Striped Layers

Thursday, November 14, 2013

I've definitely become a leopard print addict in the last few years and though I love the print I've really kept it only on my shoes. My leopard print flats, which have been worn hundreds of times, have finally started to fall apart leaving me in search of a new pair.

 However, in my search for new flats I've also found almost all my favorite pieces (jackets, dresses, clutches, scarves, etc) in leopard print. This has only made my leopard addiction worse, and sadly more than one of these items are out of my price range (think Kate Spade Beau bag). So my addiction will continue and in the mean time I will continue to ogle over these pieces (and maybe buy those flats!). 

~ Caroline

Shop: Leopard All Over

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

I finally have the long promised November 20 Under $25 post for you all today! I love working on this post because it forces me to find the best deals out there for the pieces I want. 

This month I'm especially loving plaids as well as classic fall colors. I've also been looking to stock up on cold weather essentials such as warm gloves and fun scarves. Cozy knits and loose striped sweatshirts are perfect for running an errand on chilly mornings! A classic watch (to replace my broken one) and matte red lip are also my favorite additions to any outfit. 

~ Caroline

November 20 Under $25

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Happy Friday! After a busy few days last weekend I'm looking forward to a very relaxing weekend! I'll definitely be spending sometime outside, and maybe taking a trip uptown to Central Park, since these gorgeous fall weekends are slowly fading. The weeks are flying by and I can't believe the Rockefeller Plaza tree is already being put up. I'm a strict believer in no Christmas until after Thanksgiving, but being in New York is making that a lot harder. 

Last night I had the chance to go to the Opening Party for the Express Flatiron store on Fifth Ave. The party was hosted by Julia, Kat, Jessica, Natalie, and Christina! I had a great time snacking on sweets from the candy bar and trying on clothes. I ended up buying this blouse that both Julia and Kat were wearing. I needed a basic black blouse but I'm contemplating going back and buying the pink! I also met and talked to Julia for a little bit and she is so sweet! I love this picture and this picture from the night. 

I hope you all have a great weekend! 

~ Caroline

Happy Weekend!

Friday, November 8, 2013
{pictures via my Pinterest & Tumblr}

This morning was one of those mornings where it seems like there is nothing in my closet. I will say that one of the causes is the small heap of clothes sitting on my chair that has amounted over a very busy week and a half, but I think I was mostly just in need for inspiration. 

So in an attempt to inspire myself here are a few of my favorite pictures I've seen on Tumblr and Pinterest lately. I'm loving all the fur vests and all black combos I've been seeing. Soft tousled hair and dainty jewelry seem to be the perfect addition to any outfit. And of course any sort of golden retriever picture makes me miss my puppies even more!

Also, I promise to have a November 20 Under $25 post up soon! I've found some great pieces for the post!

~ Caroline

One of Those Mornings

Wednesday, November 6, 2013
{Zara coat, Forever 21 blouse, unknown scarf, Old Navy coated jeans, Express boots}

Somehow suddenly in the last two days it has started to feel like winter in New York. As I've been reading blogs by people living in LA and other warm cities I've been dying as they write about how it finally feels like fall, especially since I just had to pull out my winter coat. When I left for class yesterday morning it was 35 degrees outside! My roommate from California almost cried it was so cold. 

Granted, all that being said I couldn't have been happier finally getting a chance to pull out my winter coat. After I got this coat from Zara almost a month ago I've been dying for the day I could wear it. I honestly never thought I'd fall in love with a winter coat, but I have and it makes chilly mornings much more bearable. 

~ Caroline 

Outfit: When Winter Hits

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

My leather obsession has gone a little farther recently as I've been on the hunt for a colored leather jacket. So far I think my favorite color options are burgundy and olive since they go well with most of my wardrobe and add a fun pop of color. 

Out of these three jackets the olive jacket from Lucca is definitely my favorite, but it does have a pretty hefty price tag that has deterred me from buying it. At the same time I've surprisingly found an option I love, the burgundy jacket, at Forever 21 for a much cheaper price. I know that jackets are good pieces to invest in, but what do you guys think? Should I save up for the more expensive option or try out a cheaper version first?

Also, I hope you all had a great Halloween Weekend! As I said on Thursday I was a flapper (you can see a picture of my costume here) and ending up having a great time with my friends!

~ Caroline

Shop: Colored Leather Jackets

Monday, November 4, 2013
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