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Making Time

Monday, November 18, 2013

Sometimes when life gets crazy we forget to do the little things that make us happy (and keep us sane) and after reading 18 Things Everyone Should Start Making Time For Again over the weekend I realized that there are so many things in my own life that I never do but should. The list focuses on slowing down and taking the time to call your friends and family or eat a long meal and have good conversations. Since life today is usually put on fast forward I often have to remind myself to slow down and do the small things that I love. 

I love curling up on rainy days, like yesterday, and flipping through the pages of Elle magazine or reading one of my favorite books. Sometimes I just have to force myself to forget about everything else that is going on and take an hour or two to relax.

As I've been at school longer I've also realized that some of my favorite routines from home, like watching the news in the morning or bringing my camera with me places to take pictures, have been completely forgotten about. 

Do you all have anything you try to make time for in your busy life?

~ Caroline


  1. Even with my crazy class and work schedule, I try to make time to read each night before I go to bed. It's not always 100% successful, but I strive for at least fifteen minutes a day!

    1. That is such a great way to think about it!

      ~ Caroline

  2. I went home for the week recently, and remembered that the news existed!! I've found that it's so easy to get sucked into this bubble where if it's not on my to-do list, I won't make time for it whilst I'm away at university!! Definitely need to take some time out and start making time for things I love again!
    xo Amy |

    1. I completely agree, especially since at school I don't have a tv of my own. I have to be proactive and actually read the news since I can't just flip on a news station. I've found recently that having a news app on your phone that you like is useful!

      ~ Caroline

  3. Lately I have really been trying to slow down and 'take time.' It is so refreshing to see this post.

  4. aww I love this so much Caroline! Such a great post :)

    xx Victoria

  5. I always try to make time for helping out my friends!
    ♥Emma, of It's Emma Elise


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