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Outfit: Old Favorites

Friday, April 26, 2013
{F21 top, Zara dress (worn as skirt), F21 jacket, Report flats, Nordstrom watch (rose gold)}

Since I'm not someone who can afford to buy a completely new wardrobe each season (I mean, who can, or would want to anyways?) I often rely on old favorites of mine. This polka dot dress from Zara has been worn to death since I bought it either two or three years ago, but until yesterday I'd never worn it as a skirt. Dresses can be hard to wear differently since there are only so many jackets/shoes you can pair them with, but a skirt can go with many tops. I wasn't sure how the combo would look, but I ended up loving it! 

Also, happy Friday everyone! I'm very ready for the weekend even though, unfortunately, it will be filled with a lot of studying and working. Hope you all have a great weekend!

~ Caroline


  1. Cute skirt!


  2. I love this outfit! So chic and yet so effortless!


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