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Sunset in Dumbo

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Happy hump day everyone! Things are a bit crazy in work and life this week as I prepare for the long weekend, but I wanted to share these photos from the weekend.  My friend suggested we head over to Dumbo for the evening, and boy was I glad he convinced me to leave Manhattan for the night. The sunset over the skyline was just gorgeous and the way the light hit the carousel pretty much blew me away. 

You may be thinking, wow Caroline only wears that new romper she put up on the blog last week, and while that is actually very true, this look is actually two separate pieces that are both oldies but goodies. I wore both this top and the shorts a lot last summer, but they're just too easy not to throw on for an evening of exploring. I've linked to a few of my favorite similar options below!

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