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All Suede All The Time

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Happy first day of fall! I feel a bit like a 5 year old who's birthday is finally here because I'm so just excited for the temperatures to finally start cooling off. Tomorrow is supposedly the last days with a high in the 80s for a while to come and you know I couldn't be happier.

With cooler temperatures on their way that means it is officially time to start building out your fall wardrobe. Say yes to cozy sweaters and stacked booties, but mostly importantly say yes to all the suede pieces in stores right now. I jumped on the leather train a few years back when it seemed like everything brands were putting out had leather included somewhere, and now that the same thing is happening with suede I'm all about it.

Now, to get down to specifics - the jacket I'm wearing in this post is everything. When I first saw it making rounds last spring I knew I needed it, but it wasn't until it came this fall that I finally jumped on the olive version (thanks for the birthday present m & d). Not only does the jacket have that heavy high quality feeling everyone wants to find, but no matter the color you pick you'll feel like a badass when you're wearing it.

My love for suede has already started spreading to other parts of my closet with this skirt, and I can tell you there will be plenty more added as the chiller months proceed. To help share the suede love I've shared a few of my favorite suede pieces under $100, including a few lower priced versions of my jacket, below!

SHOP THE POST: Blank NYC Jacket // Banana Republic Dress (similar under $50) // J.Crew Factory Sunglasses // BP Booties  (one of my favorite purchases ever!)

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