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Getting Fit in 2016

Monday, January 4, 2016
If there is one topic I avoid on this blog like the plague it would be health and fitness. I have never been a serious athlete and my plans to stay in shape have honestly never lasted more than a couple of months. The fact that I hate working out combined with a schedule that allows very little time for exercise or healthy cooking and you get a very unhealthy lifestyle.

With the new year I am challenging myself to broach topics on this blog that have seemed off limits in the past, and the first one up is getting in shape. In October, I finally got back on the work out wagon and it has felt amazing. I never really understood people when they said they felt like they 'needed' to work out, but after getting back into a regular routine I started to get it. After spending just 45 minutes on the elliptical each day, my body felt better – I slept better, I intuitively ate healthier and I felt stronger.

I definitely faltered a bit during finals and the holidays, but I mean, who doesn't? With the New Year, however, I am recommitting myself to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Luckily, I am not doing this own my own. I have four friends who constantly inspire me to keep going. These friends (Allie, Ashleigh, Avishee, and Cheyenne) are the ones that keep me going back to the gym, but they also remind me that getting healthy is about my whole self.

A healthy lifestyle is not just about losing weight or looking better, but about feeling your best. Yes, like most people I would love to shed a few pounds, but the best part of getting healthy is waking up everyday feeling amazing. I feel most confident when I'm treating my body right and that is what I think 2016 should be about - feeling confident in yourself.

I will be sharing more about my experiences throughout the year, but to start off I want to share my three tips for sticking to your healthy lifestyle!

1) Plan your workouts by writing them down on your calendar.

The moment I started scheduling workouts like I schedule meetings I became more accountable to making the trip to the gym. It is easy to bail on the gym when the only person you are hurting by not going is you. However, by scheduling gym time like a meeting with a professor you are way more likely to honor the commitment. If you really struggle making the commitment, try signing up for classes, that way your money is on the line if you don’t show up.

2) Be mindful of what you are eating.

I will never be one to go on a diet, I just love good food too much. However, ‘boredom snacking’ and going out to eat when I should be cooking at home are issues I consistently struggle with. When I started really looking at everything I was eating in a day, I realized how making small changes in my habits could make me so much healthier. Making a salad at home with homemade dressing is not only much healthier than going out, but it is also much cheaper!

3) Buy workout clothes that make you want to go to the gym.

I am always a believer that dressing for the occasion makes any experience better, whether we are talking about a party or the gym. If you have workout clothes you are excited to put on then you are much more likely to actually workout! The best part is that the popularity of athleisure attire has made fun workout clothes affordable. You can shop my favorites below :)

I am sure many of you have plans to start off the New Year in a healthier way, so please let me know – what keeps you motivated?
SHOP THE POST: Fabletics wrap // Kyodan sports bra // Old Navy top // Kyodan leggings (similar) // Nike sneakers

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