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A Look Back at 2015

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

I've been putting off writing this post for days now because I don't really know to summarize 2015.  I was talking with a friend the other day about how 2015 has been an incredibly confusing year and came to the conclusion that it has really been about growing up. I moved into my first real apartment, spent the summer away from home, and have started to really think about what I want the rest of my life to look like. All of this was both terrifying and incredibly exciting, and I've definitely been tested over and over again. I can tell you that the there were many lows this year, when I realized just how lucky I am to have friends that I can call crying anytime, but there were also many highs that will go down as some of the best days of my life. 

As the year comes to an end though, I want to take a moment to look back at some of the best parts of 2015 because, while the stressful and scary days will fade away, the amazing memories truly will last forever. Make sure to read to the bottom for the three most important lessons I've learned this year. 

January & February // Coming back to NYC after being away for almost five months felt incredible. Wandering the West Village with friends, making weekly (if not daily) bagel runs, and re-experiencing the beauty of the city right after a snow fall made me remember just how much I love New York. I also got a new blog design and started the Caroline's Covets series, which is now one of my favorites! 
March, April & May // These months were definitely a little slower around PK, but thats because so many exciting things were happening offline. One of my best friends visited me in NYC for a weekend, I headed down to D.C. for a conference and a bit of exploring, and a friend of mine featured me over on his blog! Attending GW's Women in Business Conference definitely re-inspired me to pursue my dreams, even if I'm not totally sure what they are yet.
June, July & August // Between moving into my apartment, working full time, and traveling on the weekends summer was absolutely crazy. It was definitely rough being away from home, but there is something about NYC in the summertime that I absolutely love. I finally experienced picnicking in Central Park, eating everything at Smorgasborg, and just how important a short break from the city can be. 
 September & October // Oh how I missed fall in NYC while I was abroad in 2014. I have pretty high standards when it comes to fall (being from New England and all) and New York just blew it out of the water this year. The leaves in Central Park, apple picking during Fall Break, watching the Red Sox beat the Yankees at Yankee Stadium - all of it made me smile :)
November & December // The holidays felt even more magical than normal this year, even without a white Christmas. I loved spending Thanksgiving at home, picking out a Christmas tree with my family, and checking off multiple items on my NYC Christmas Bucket List. Ending the year surrounded by family and some of my best friends made it easy to remember how lucky I really am. 

Finally... Here are the three most important things I've learned this year:

1) It's 100% OK to be homesick. I started my internship directly after school finished this past spring, which meant I only spent about two weeks at home throughout the whole summer. I constantly missed my family and realized how much I appreciate getting to spend time at home. What I learned though is that missing your family as you get older is something than everyone goes through at some point, so you don't have to push those feelings away. 

2) Constantly pursue what you're passionate about. My 'dream career' has changed about a thousand times since I started college, but what I realized this year is that anything (and everything) is truly possible if I keep pursuing what I'm passionate about. There isn't time for everything, so only pursue what you care about most. 

3) Always be open to new friends and new experiences. As a college student it's easy to get stuck in your ways or always hang out with the same people, but this year I discovered the amazing things opening yourself up can lead to. I've made many new friends that have become some of my closest friends and they've pushed me to be more outgoing and get out of my comfort zone (which is definitely my safe place) time and time again. 

I hope you all have a fun New Years Eve and get the chance to celebrate everything you've accomplished in 2015. After you've recovered from all that 'fun' make sure to check back here on Friday for some exciting news about what is to come in 2016 :)

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