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Shop: Sales Galore

Monday, March 9, 2015

A quick snap taken at the Madewell 5th Ave store!

Sales, sales, and more sales... aka what I do while taking midterm study breaks. But really guys, these sales are pretty freaking good. Spring weather finally came to New York this weekend, so it really is the perfect time to stock up on some warm weather staples. I need a few new light weight sweaters, striped tees, and fun shorts (for when it's actually warm). 

So since I've been procrasti-shopping these sales all weekend I thought I'd share some of my favorites with you all!

Madewell: 30% Off Sale

Banana Republic: 40% Off Your Purchase

Old Navy: 35% Off Your Purchase

Gap: 35% Off Your Purchase

Things may be a bit light around here this week since I will be focusing on my midterm exams. Spring break is a pretty great light at the end of the tunnel though! Hope you all have a great week. 


  1. Oh no - this will not be good for my wallet! Thanks for sharing! I look forward to shopping all of these sales!

    - Kirstin

  2. They definitely weren't good for mine. Thanks for reading :)



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