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Outfit: Hats Off

Monday, January 19, 2015
Stradivarius coat | Max Studio sweater via TJ Maxx | American Eagle jeans
Target hat | Nine West slip ons (similar)

Continuing on with the trying new things trend I started last week with a bright red turtleneck, I brought home a black fedora and a blush sweater. If you follow me on pinterest you know that I'm constantly pinning pictures of women in amazing hats, but until now I'd never really gotten into the trend myself. I finally convinced myself that the risk of looking stupid was worth the possible reward, and I kind of loved the end result. 

Then, of course, we have the blush colored sweater, that I've worn an unmentionable amount of times this week. After being inspired by Julia Engel's beautiful blush looks and Amy Stone's perfect pastel coat I felt like I needed a little bit of spring in my wardrobe. So, when I found this beautiful sweater for only $30 at TJ Maxx (while I was supposed to be looking for sheets) I went straight to the register. 

Who would have thought that my new favorite look could be made up of pieces I never thought I'd ever wear? 


  1. Great outfit Caroline! I live in my black slip on sneakers in the winter..sometime you just need to switch it up from boots. I am loving your jacket what a great find! Oh my gosh Amy Stone's instagram in that periwinkle jacket -- heaven! Love it.

  2. This is super cute! I am OBSESSED with that jacket!

  3. I get sick of boots so quickly in the winter, so I'm loving these slip ons! Thank so much!


  4. You were worried about that hat? Psht, you totally pulled it off, no prob!


  5. I love this outfit... I think the hat perfectly completes it, you totally rocked it! I also love the background of snow, we unfortunately don't have any here right now.


  6. Thanks so much Colleen! The snow sadly wasn't anything to get excited about since it turned completely to ice the next day :(


  7. You're the sweetest! Thanks!



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