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A New Chapter

Friday, January 23, 2015
Happy Friday and welcome to a new Peachy Keen! I'm so excited for you all to see the new design of the site. I am not usually one for reflecting on life or really making resolutions, but as you saw I made some pretty hefty resolutions this year and this has become apart of those resolutions

 One resolution that I didn't write down though was to really make sure to be true to myself and focus on what is important and special to me. I've changed a lot in the past year and a half and with these changes my blog design no longer really felt like me. You know what I mean? Not only is pink really not my thing but I wanted a design that would really showcase what I love. With a simple design and more space for pictures this design was really what I was looking for. 

I don't like to talk about or even admit to the fact that I have plans and goals for Peachy Keen because I still have no idea what my future looks like. I have ideas and dreams for my future, but often they change every day. The only thing I know is that I will still be writing and posting here. Going forward, I want Peachy Keen to be a place that reflects where I am right now instead of what I was like when I started this blog back in 2012 (which can still seem like yesterday sometimes). My love of fashion, personal style, and affordable shopping haven't gone away, but I do have new interests I would like to start sharing with all of you. Since moving to New York I've become so much of a foodie and traveling abroad for a semester has kept me dreaming of far away destinations. I want these passions of mine to be as present on this space as they are in my life.

I couldn't be more ready and excited for this new chapter of Peachy Keen and I want to thank all of you for following along as I figure out where I'm headed. Also, a huge thanks to Stephanie of How Sweet Designs and Phil of Pipdig for my logo and blog design. 


  1. YAY! I love it. And I am so happy for you :) Love watching your blog and personal style grow and change! Cheers to a new chapter, my friend!

    Pink Champagne Problems

  2. LOVE the new design!! It's so clean and pretty!! Can't wait to see what else you've got up your sleeve. :)

  3. You're the sweetest! Thanks so much.


  4. I'm looking forward for what's to come here!!

    - Kirstin (currently under construction!)

  5. The redesign looks so great! Can't wait to see what's in store! :)


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