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Dia de Gracias

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I will say that this Thanksgiving is probably one of the hardest I've had as I am celebrating from abroad. Skyping family and hearing about the 4 different pies they will be eating is not nearly the same as being at home. Leading up to this day I knew I would be homesick, but what I didn't think about until today is just how grateful I am for the community I will be with today. While I am not with my family on my favorite holiday of the year, my roommate and I are hosting fifteen people at our apartment to celebrate (don't worry we aren't cooking all the food ourselves). To prepare we were up until 1am last night attempting to cut our turkey in half after realizing it doesn't fit in our oven, and believe me this is much harder to do than you would think. 

While trying to distract myself from the fact that I'm not at home I started to forget about the real point of Thanksgiving. However, after hearing my spanish professor saying Thanksgiving in spanish, Dia de Gracias, I began to remember that this day should really be about giving thanks and remembering how lucky we all are for what we have. My time in Spain is almost over and I have to remind myself not to take these weeks for granted, but to treasure my time here and remember all the reasons I have to be happy. 

I hope you all have wonderful Thanksgivings and are getting the chance to celebrate with friends or family and remember what you are thankful for. Plus, make sure to eat plenty of mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie!

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