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{Trouve sweater, American Eagle jeans, Franco Sarto flats, Longchamp tote, Old Navy sunglasses}

It seems like for the last couple weeks all of my posts have been me apologizing for my lack of posting, and while life is still more than a little crazy I'm starting to get back into the swing of things over here on Peachy Keen. 

I finally took outfit pictures here in España! The real reason it took me a month was because the weather was so hot for the first few weeks that I just felt uninspired and put on whatever was clean and light weight. Now that it's finally starting to cool down a bit I've been pulling out all my favorite fall pieces and of course that means plenty of black. I searched months for a pair of affordable ripped black jeans (I'm dying for this rag & bone pair), and when I found this $30 pair at American Eagle right before I left home they were immediately packed into my suitcase. I love the super casual feel these jeans have compared to my classic black jeans and I've been paring them with everything from feminine blouses to loose boyfriend sweaters. 

Outfit: Black on Black on Brown

{ Trouve sweater , American Eagle jeans , Franco Sarto flats, Longchamp tote , Old Navy sunglasses} It seems like for the last...
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Happy Friday! These week has felt so incredibly long that I couldn't be happier the weekend is finally here. I'm headed down to Cordoba and Granada on a school trip this weekend so sadly there will be no relaxation in the next couple days (I'm in serious need of netflix binge). 

I haven't shared any of my favorite articles in a while so I thought I'd link back to what I've been reading the last couple weeks! 

I really didn't have time to keep up with most of the fashion weeks this fall, but I was always waiting for Hallie Wilson's fashion week recaps. If you haven't read them run, don't walk, to the site. 

Emma Watson's speech at the UN was incredibly inspiring and gave light to a real issue we've created by warping the definition of feminism. The video is a must-see. 

Remember when instagram was all blurry pictures and 70s filters? This slideshow brings you back to the early days of our favorite fashion instagrammers and it is hilarious. 

I'm all about filling your closet with classic pieces and this Glitter Guide article has a great must-have list with beautiful illustrations. 

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Happy Friday + Links

Friday, September 26, 2014

Happy Fall everyone! My schedule has been crazy recently. Between classes, work, and traveling on the weekend I've barely had time for anything. This weekend is my last travel weekend for a while though and I'm really excited to get back to a normal schedule. 

Now that it's officially fall (and starting to feel like it in Madrid) I've been craving nothing but cozy sweaters, jeans, and boots. You all know that stripes are easily my favorite pattern and in the fall I love to mix it up by adding a plaid scarves to my striped tops. Can't you just picture these pairings with dark skinny jeans and tall boots?

Shop: Stripes & Plaid

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Everyone has their go-to travel outfit and mine is always jeans, a striped tee, and a comfy jacket. For traveling to Madrid my goal was to wear some of my heavier pieces on the plane so I didn't have to worry about the weight of my suitcases. That meant I was wearing my leather jacket, comfiest scarf, and boots. I always wear some variation of my 'most worn' items when traveling since they're usually the comfiest, I'm also wearing a variation of this outfit today... I know, I'm at outfit repeater (Lizzie McGuire anyone?) While I definitely was a bit hot outside wearing all my layers they were perfect on the plane!  And of course I had plenty of magazines packed into my Longchamp to read on the plane!

What is your go-to travel look?

Outfit: For Traveling

Monday, September 22, 2014

Happy Birthday to Me! I always feel weird writing that but... Yay it's my birthday. I'm always the youngest of my friends (All you August & September birthdays understand me, right?), so I'm extra excited when I finally turn a year older and catch up with them. While I'm all about the countdown to 20 it is weird to think though that is my last year of being a teenager. 

It is always hard to be away from my family on my birthday since our traditions of ice cream cakes and my mom snapping a million pictures are some of my favorite childhood memories, but I can't really complain since I'm spending my birthday weekend in Barcelona! Visiting the Sagrada Familia, getting some beach time, and eating delicious food are high on my must-do list. And of course I watched this Cheetah Girls song before getting on the train to prepare myself (I loved The Cheetah Girls when I was little). 

As always make sure to check Instagram because I'll probably be counting down the seconds until I have wifi and can post more pictures. Hope you all have a great weekend!


Friday, September 19, 2014
{Zara top, J.Crew skirt, Old Navy sunglasses, Rebecca Minkoff bag}

Last weekend I took a five hour bus ride south to Granada with a few friends and discovered paradise. We spent the weekend exploring old part of the city, constantly climbing hills, and turning down beautiful streets. Highlights included watching sunsets and sunrises from Mirador de San Nicolas and wandering through the Alhambra. 

Space issues caused me to leave my camera at home and these iPhone photos don't nearly do the gardens of the Alhambra justice. There are only a small number of tickers sold each day so the grounds aren't overwhelmed by people and you feel like you're in your own secret garden. I've honestly never been somewhere so incredible and I could've spent days in there without leaving. 

Granada Adventues

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Hi Peachy Keen readers! I'm Frannie from The Blonde Prep, and today I'm sharing my tips for organizing a school agenda!

For school I use the Day Designer, and I absolutely love it. It's big, organized, and so cute. I've found that the inside pages help so much when I'm doing homework or running a bunch of errands. Unlike other agendas, the Day Designer list has little boxes you can just check off when you finish something. Here are my tips for organizing your agenda...

Color Code | I write all of my assignments in pink, errands in blue, and things that are subject to change or not very important in pencil. I've found that this method really works for me so I can always tell what it is I have to get done.

Mark System | For assignments, I always check them off in their little box when they are completed. For long term assignments that I haven't done yet, I cross them off with a squiggly line, and for things I don't need to do or I can forget about, I just cross them off. This helps remind me what still needs to be done, and what I have complete.

What are your tips for organizing your agenda?

Hey all, Caroline here. I know we're all a bit into the school year now, but I always love to get settled with class and schedule organization by the end of September. Having everything on your mental to-do list written down is so important during the school year. I"m juggling Dressometry, classes, and traveling this semester so my planner has been my best friend. I love Frannie's idea of color coding and am definitely going to try it out this fall! Thanks so much Frannie for sharing your tips!

How To Organize a Planner From Frannie of The Blonde Prep

Wednesday, September 17, 2014
eShakti top c/o // American Eagle jeans // Steve Madden sandals

Just because Labor Day has passed doesn't mean you can't still wear your white jeans! While I did wear this outfit before Labor Day I always wear my white jeans well into September. I know look at me breaking all the rules (#rebel). 

But now on to my top because really it's much more exciting. I was contacted by eShakti a while ago and asked to try out their customization services. I picked out this perfect summer-to-fall top and then customized the size of it so it would fit me perfectly. I love shopping online, but I hate waiting days for something I ordered only to find out it's the wrong size. So the fact that I knew this top would fit perfectly when it arrived made me even more excited as I waited for my package to come. The prices on eShakti are great and there are customizable pieces for everyone's style so I definitely suggest checking it out! 

Outfit: Little Black Boxes

Monday, September 15, 2014

Last week Dana from Pink Champagne problems nominated me for a Get to Know tag and since I loved reading her post I thought I would answer her questions! I've already passed around the Liebster tag before so I'm not going to nominate people again, but if you read this and want to continue with the questions let me know so I can read your post!

And here we go...

How did you come up with your blog name?
To be honest my blog name came from a lot of brainstorming to find something that would work for me. When people say ‘Everything is peachy keen’ it can have so many meanings and having lived in the Southeast and in New England I’ve seen both the sweet and sarcastic side of the phrase. At the time I started my blog I loved the way the phrase encompassed the very sarcastic blunt northern side of me and the sweeter easy going southern side at the same time. (I know, I know it’s a long explanation). 

What's your ultimate go-to outfit?
For fall my go-to is always  dark skinny jeans (preferably gap), a striped tee or sweater, and ankle boots. Once it gets chilly I love to throw on a leather jacket too. 

Top three blogs to read?
Definitely Corals + Cognacs for fashion (and those NYFW recaps) , Amy Stone’s blog for the best NYC spots, and Sequins & Stripes for personal style and shopping inspiration. 

If you could work for your dream company, what would it be and what would you be doing?
I have so many dream jobs right now and luckily I'm still at a stage where it's ok to experiment (three more years until I graduate!), but I do know I would absolutely love to be on a digital marketing and social media team at a brand like J.Crew or at a fashion/tech start up.  

What are some of your favorite posts you've written on your blog?
I personally love looking back at posts I’ve written at exciting moments in my life. Two of my favorite posts are about my acceptance to NYU and finishing up my freshman year

Name the one item you don't leave the house without, and why?
This is so cliche, but definitely my iPhone. Between using apps like instagram, checking/responding to emails, and organizing my schedule I’m always on it. Studying abroad and only being able to use wifi on my iPhone has also made me realize how much I love the ease of looking up where to go on google maps. 

It's almost Fall: What's on your wish list?
It is about a million degrees in Madrid so I’ve been thinking all about loose tops and shorts recently, but once it cools down I’ll be all about fall. Chunky sweaters, colored leather, and loafers are high on my wish list. Plus, when I get back to NYC I won’t ever stop wearing my over the knee boots (I’m regretting leaving them at home already!). 

Who is your style icon?
I’ve never really had a style icon because I love to pull elements of what I love from everywhere and make it my own. I find I’m inspired by numerous bloggers and business women in the fashion industry who not only have incredible style but incredible lives. Reading magazines and websites like Who What Wear and Refinery 29 constantly inspired me to try new styles and pieces I never thought I would like. 

Is there one day you wish you could relive over and over?
I don't know if there is one specific day, but I would love to relive any of the amazing days I had with friends exploring NYC (favorite place + favorite people = the best days). This past Easter was my first holiday away from my family, but my friends and I had a particularly amazing day between brunch and exploring uptown and central park, so maybe I'd pick that day.

If you had to pick a decade to live in, which one would it be?
I would have to say now (even though I love the 20s). I think the climate we live in now is an exciting one. Maybe it’s just because I’m finally old enough to understand everything that is going on in the world (or most everything), but I feel like the 2010s are going to be (and already are) huge time for change in terms of how we live our lives.

What's your ultimate goal for your blog?
My ultimate goal for Peachy Keen is really for me to just keep writing. I really love getting to sit down at the beginning of end of a day to put together something creative that I can share with people who have the same passions as me. I have plenty of career goals that don't involve blogging, but my hope is that throughout my life Peachy Keen will be there.

Thanks for nominating me Dana! Going through and really thinking about how to answers these questions truly inspired me. 

Get to Know Peachy Keen

Thursday, September 11, 2014
Banana Republic dress (similar & more options) // Steve Madden sandals // Rebecca Minkoff bag // Old Navy sunglasses

I searched for a long long time to find the perfect tshirt dress. Dresses with little to no shape never look good on me, so when I found this tshirt dress at a Banana Republic outlet for only $20 I knew it was coming home with me. The boat neck and cinched waist make for the perfect tshirt dress. The dress has been great in the hot weather (both at home and here in Madrid), but once fall comes I can't wait to add layers and boots to it. And while I took these pictures almost two weeks ago the moment I brought them up on my computer I changed back into this dress to wear today. 

Also, if you follow my instagram you've seen plenty of pictures of my puppy Melody (or MelBell as I call her). She's absolutely adorable and I am missing her like crazy right now. From the pictures my parents have sent me I can tell she's already grown too much since I've been gone I was sad to leave home and know that when I get home in December she'll barely look like a puppy anymore (aka I won't be able to pick her up to snuggle on the couch). 

Outfit: Puppy Love

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Happy Monday all! Today is my first day of class in Madrid and I have to say I'm incredibly excited to get back on a schedule. This past week has been crazy between all of the things I've had to get done on my own and our orientation events. 

Getting back on a schedule also means getting back on a schedule for blog posts! I loved having Gracey guest post for me last week (I've definitely been using some of her insta tips), but now I'm excited to finally share some of Spain with you all. Last Friday we the whole group took a day trip to Segovia and I fell in love. Picture a quintessential European town with a 2000 year old aqueduct running through it and beautiful rooftop views of the Spanish countryside (or just look at my pictures). We spent the day wandering the city and learning the history of the changing cultures throughout Spain. If you can't tell by now I'm basically in love with this country. 

Study Abroad: Segovia

Monday, September 8, 2014

all photos via my instagram // @stripesandpeonies 
Hello! It's Gracey here from Stripes & Peonies guest posting for Caroline while she's in Spain! 
Caroline asked me to share some of my instagram tips while you're traveling today. When I'm traveling my phone/camera is with me 24/7; I'm one of those people who take pictures of everything. I love traveling because its a fresh place to explore and there are so many things to photograph. I personally traveled quite a bit this summer (you can read about my summer travels here) and was instagraming constantly. I've rounded up some of my best instagram travel tips for you guys, enjoy! If you enjoy my photos & tips, give me a follow on Instagram
1. Keep your horizons straight:  One of the best photography tips I've ever heard is that "you either want your horizon line very straight or very crooked; anything in between just looks sloppy. If you have an iphone, use the built in grid feature to help you line everything up. This is very important when taking landscape shots! 

2. Take multiple shots: When you're traveling, you might not always have a ton of time to craft the perfect shot. That's why I always make sure I take multiple shots of something to ensure that I have a sharp image. I can't tell you the number of times I found a perfect shot and snapped it quickly, but checked later only to find a blurry image. As shown below, the final shot may prove difficult to get. 

3. Think beyond the normal "tourist" shot: I'm not saying don't instagram a shot of the Eiffel Tower in Paris (because I totally did). What I do want to encourage though is to try to think out of the box and show your followers something different. Maybe show the details instead of a normal landscape shot. This will really let you explore the city/place that you're traveling to.
 The not so typical shot vs. the touristy photo

4.  C-O-L-O-R: Use lots of color when you're traveling! The more colorful the photo, the more inclined people are to double tap. I love seeing colorful insta' hunt for color!

5. Keep your camera in square mode: If you keep your camera in the square mode, it makes editing insta shots a lot easier. No cropping to do! The square function makes sure that you get everything you want into the shot. If you leave it in the regular mode, you'll have to end up cropping it to a square later, so this is a time saver! 

6. Delete pictures/make space before you leave: I am constantly getting the "cannot take picture" notification on my phone because I never have enough storage (#bloggerprobs). There is nothing more frustrating than trying to take a picture while traveling and not being able to and then having to make a quick decision of what to delete. I recommend making sure there is ample space on your phone for all of your travel pics or going through and deleting pictures you don't need anymore on the flight over! 

Thank you to Caroline for asking me to guest post & keep up with my blog here!


Hey all! Aren't Gracey's tips the best? I am obsessed with her instagam and was so excited to see her tips for traveling since I'll be traveling all this semester. I have a couple more guest posts coming up in the next few weeks while I'm adjusting to living in a new city. Make sure to let me know what you want to see on the blog this fall!

Instagram Travel Tips from Gracey Wallace

Wednesday, September 3, 2014
unknown dress (similar & more options) // J.Crew wedges // Monogram Online bracelet

I've always loved the idea of maxi-dresses, but I've never felt like they would look good on my 5'4" (and three quarters) figure. When I found this dress at TJ Maxx for only $25 though I felt like I had to try it. I was originally planning on wearing it to my cousin's wedding at the beginning of August but with the heat and humidity a long black dress just wasn't going to work. So of course I had to find some reason to wear the dress (just like for my early birthday dinner). While I'm still not totally convinced I can pull of the maxi dress I do love the way it is dressy and casual at the same time. Even though summer is over back in MA (and did we ever really have a summer? It was so cold...) it is still in the 90s during the day here in Madrid so I have  a feeling I'll be getting a lot of use out of this dress. 

Hope all of you going back to school today have an amazing first day of classes!

Outfit: Maxi-Dress

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

I finally arrived in Madrid yesterday afternoon (aka early morning for east coast US) and it's already been a crazy experience. My plane was delayed and I ended up having to get a cab myself and then once I got to my apartment I found out my landlord speaks no english. It all really put my spanish skills (which are seriously lacking) to the test right away. Luckily once one of my roommates (who basically speaks fluent spanish) moved in it all calmed down a bit. We unpacked, explored, and got a bit of dinner outside by the park near our apartment. I already love being here, even with some of the hard adjustments, and I'm ready to get orientation started (because let's be real, I need some friends). 

Hope you are all having great long weekends back in the US. I'm a little jealous I don't have today off (#spainproblems). I've been going a little insta-crazy so make sure it check out my instagram to follow along. 

¡Soludos de Madrid!

Monday, September 1, 2014
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