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Outfit: For The Shoe Addicts

Wednesday, August 20, 2014
{Zara blazer, unknown top, Gap jeans, Old Navy flats}
Photos taken by Briana at A Holistic Approach

Ok so I have a shoe problem. My dad has started calling me Imelda Marcos (she's famous for owning a thousand pairs of shoes). I don't own close to 1000 pairs of shoes, but my collection is growing pretty quickly. Shoes are one of those things that I just can't resist buying if a good (or even ok) deal comes my way. 

Now I'm sure you've all seen the Vince D'orsay Flats, well I'm absolutely in love with the nude ones. I look at them online way to often, but there is no way I can afford the almost $300 price tag. Instead I've been hunting to find another similar option for much much less. So a couple of days ago when I found this nude pair at Old Navy I freaked out. The front of the shoe looks almost identical to the Vince pair and the open back is actually really fun! Of course when I walked through the door my dad made another sassy comment about all my shoes and how I will never be able to bring them all to Madrid, but I just smiled and started secretly planning how I'll fit all of my favorite pairs in my suitcase. Oh the problems of a shoe addict...


  1. STOP those shoes are not from Old Navy!! THEY'RE AMAZING

  2. love these shoes! actually, I take that back. I love this whole outfit! SO CUTE!


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